Pristess Poetry

Time is up.

She felt it in the core of her very being and trembled with fear of the unavoidable.

She found subtle relief in knowing that the choice was already taken. That it wasn’t really her choice or more precisely she had already chosen.

That day, a long time ago, when she comitted herself fully to the path.

The day that she married the Divine will and surrendered the heavy burden of her life.

May your will come true ...

She was a child of God and no one or nothing could make her abandon that sacred connection.

It was only a matter of time.

When the Holy spirit whispered in her ear, she would stumble for a few seconds but rather would she die, than not listen.

Wasn’t that the same really!?

She paied her dues and left. Left behind all that, which she had known to be reality.

Left her old friend called misery in the name of Holy service.

Shed the layers of her broken skin.

To underplay your role is as much of a sin as to overplay.

Compassion is only what it is said to be, when expressed in compassionate action.

She finally understood.

Time to take back that bloody power and let it flow freely in her system. Time to let life in. To turn up the volume and hit that target.

No longer did she find shelter in the rosy, sugar coated state of denial. No longer did she believe those lame excuses, that had kept her a prisoner in her own pale skin for decades ...

That had kept her so pale ...

Life was returning at all levels and she starred firmly and fiercely into the horizon as she crossed that bridge

Not even did she care to look back when it crashed behind her.

Looking back was really an old concept and she knew it was part of the process

To let go and let God.

Sometimes there is only one way. That jump, that you have looked at for decades knowing that you can’t take it back while its done.

One final decision that will open the doors to the kingdom.

No excuses.

No exit doors.

Only one way.

THE way.

A glimpse of sunlight hit her teary face while scents from the future entered and uplifted her system

There was no doubt anymore.

She was free.


That day, a long time ago, when she comitted herself fully to the path.

The day that she married the Divine will and surrendered the heavy burden of her life.

May your will come true ...

She was a child of God and no one or nothing could make her abandon that sacred connection.

It was only a matter of time.

When the Holy spirit whispered in her ear, she would stumble for a few seconds but rather would she die, than not listen.

Wasn’t that the same really!?

She paied her dues and left. Left behind all that, which she had known to be reality.

Left her old friend called misery in the name of Holy service.

Shed the layers of her broken skin.

To underplay your role is as much of a sin as to overplay.

Compassion is only what it is said to be, when expressed in compassionate action.

She finally understood.

Time to take back that bloody power and let it flow freely in her system. Time to let life in. To turn up the volume and hit that target.

No longer did she find shelter in the rosy, sugar coated state of denial. No longer did she believe those lame excuses, that had kept her a prisoner in her own pale skin for decades ...

That had kept her so pale ...

Life was returning at all levels and she starred firmly and fiercely into the horizon as she crossed that bridge

Not even did she care to look back when it crashed behind her.

Looking back was really an old concept and she knew it was part of the process

To let go and let God.

Sometimes there is only one way. That jump, that you have looked at for decades knowing that you can’t take it back while its done.

One final decision that will open the doors to the kingdom.

No excuses.

No exit doors.

Only one way.

THE way.

A glimpse of sunlight hit her teary face while scents from the future entered and uplifted her system

There was no doubt anymore.

She was free.



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