Choose love

Sweetheart, you don’t have to be perfect, to be loved.

It’s simply a matter of choice.

You can choose to focus on your flaws and imperfections and criticize yourself from now on till the last day of your life.

To try your hardest to change to fit in to some box, invented by other beings, lacking that same love.


you can choose to love yourself WITH everything that you are. You can decide to be compassionate with your inner wounded child and to do your best to let that child feel safe, supported and happy. To act and speak kindly to yourself.

You can forgive yourself for all the mistakes, that you make and choose to see yourself in the loving light of God.

There is no other way.

Don’t wait for love to come around. Be that love. Open yourself for that love. Let that love flow in your whole being and let it be the expression of you, wherever you go.

Love, nourish and cherish yourself, so that you can be the best version of you to everybody around you.

It’s that simple. The secret is nothing more mysterious than a choice.

Choose love and then let’s celebrate!


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