Pristess Poetry

Sometimes you realise that, that which you thought to be the truth, is merely a faded idea from a time slowly vanishing before your eyes ...

Before you know it, it’s over.

All the structures, that you build your life upon and took so deeply for granted, that you forgot their simple existence, are suddenly changing.

As if they did no longer hide behind the illusionary identity of being fixed.

Desperately you cling to the last piece of fisical manifestation, rapidly eroding in the chaotic tides of change.

Stability is not what you think and can only be reached by learning to ride the waves.

The waves of change. The only possibility and only stable vibration left.


As every single layer is peeled relentlessly off, stripping you to the very core.

And there you stand naked and vulnerable, giving up every last little inch of resistance. Returning with or without faith, but returning. Without a doubt.

It is time to go home. To stare into that mirror untill you realize, that you are not the one that stares back but the mirror itself. That you are not all those great achievements, those fake identities, glamorous Instagram photos or comfortable lies, you have been hiding behind.

You are the creator of it all. The manager of that crazy christmas cabaret called life. The writer of a living script, that unfolds simultanously as the words come to life ...

Now you must change the script and let it be according to the scriptures.

Nothing less is sustainable.

As light enters every corner of your reckless soul, truth becomes the only option

So who are you when your bloody extremes are tied to the cross and there is no way out?

When the pressure of lifelong burdens, can no longer be kept in check and your system must finally give up and surrender?

When the white light blinds your starring eyes and reveals the depth of your wounds?

In the fall from ‘grace’ hides a relentless blessing ...

Blessed are those, who will first turn towards the kingdom of heaven. They shall be given.

There you go. Turn. Or not.

The choice is yours ... atleast for a minute or so.


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